He ne ar kr xe rn ไม ม elektron

1. เป็นก๊าซที่ไม่ค่อยทำปฏิกิริยากับก๊าซอื่นๆทัง้นี้เพราะมีอิเลคตรอนชั้นนอกสุด ( verent electron ) ครบ 8 อะตอม ( ยกเว้น He ที่มีแค่ 2 อะตอม )

2. มีสถานะเป็นก๊าซทั้งหมด ( 1 โมเลกุล ประกอบด้วย อะตอม 1 อะตอม ) ได้แก่ He , Ar , Ne , Kr , Xe , Rn

3. ปัจจุบันพบก๊าซเฉื่อยบางชนิด เช่น Kr และ Xe สามารถทำปฏิกิริยากับ F และ O ได้ เช่น KrF2 , XeF2 ,XeF4 , XeF6 , XeO3 , XeO4

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • v
  • t
  • e

Electron configurations of the chemical elements (neutral gaseous atoms in the ground state)

Group: 1 2 ​ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1s: 1 H 1 2 He 2[He] 2s: 2p: 3 Li 1 - 4 Be 2 - 5 B 2 1 6 C 2 2 7 N 2 3 8 O 2 4 9 F 2 5 10 Ne 2 6[Ne] 3s: 3p: 11 Na 1 - 12 Mg 2 - 13 Al 2 1 14 Si 2 2 15 P 2 3 16 S 2 4 17 Cl 2 5 18 Ar 2 6[Ar] 4s: 3d: 4p: 19 K 1 - - 20 Ca 2 - - 21 Sc 2 1 - 22 Ti 2 2 - 23 V 2 3 - 24 Cr 1 5 - 25 Mn 2 5 - 26 Fe 2 6 - 27 Co 2 7 - 28 Ni 2 8 - 29 Cu 1 10 - 30 Zn 2 10 - 31 Ga 2 10 1 32 Ge 2 10 2 33 As 2 10 3 34 Se 2 10 4 35 Br 2 10 5 36 Kr 2 10 6[Kr] 5s: 4d: 5p: 37 Rb 1 - - 38 Sr 2 - - 39 Y 2 1 - 40 Zr 2 2 - 41 Nb 1 4 - 42 Mo 1 5 - 43 Tc 2 5 - 44 Ru 1 7 - 45 Rh 1 8 - 46 Pd - 10 - 47 Ag 1 10 - 48 Cd 2 10 - 49 In 2 10 1 50 Sn 2 10 2 51 Sb 2 10 3 52 Te 2 10 4 53 I 2 10 5 54 Xe 2 10 6[Xe] 6s: 4f: 5d: 6p: 55 Cs 1 - - - 56 Ba 2 - - - 57 La 2 - 1 - 58 Ce 2 1 1 - 59 Pr 2 3 - - 60 Nd 2 4 - - 61 Pm 2 5 - - 62 Sm 2 6 - - 63 Eu 2 7 - - 64 Gd 2 7 1 - 65 Tb 2 9 - - 66 Dy 2 10 - - 67 Ho 2 11 - - 68 Er 2 12 - - 69 Tm 2 13 - - 70 Yb 2 14 - - 71 Lu 2 14 1 - 72 Hf 2 14 2 - 73 Ta 2 14 3 - 74 W 2 14 4 - 75 Re 2 14 5 - 76 Os 2 14 6 - 77 Ir 2 14 7 - 78 Pt 1 14 9 - 79 Au 1 14 10 - 80 Hg 2 14 10 - 81 Tl 2 14 10 1 82 Pb 2 14 10 2 83 Bi 2 14 10 3 84 Po 2 14 10 4 85 At 2 14 10 5 86 Rn 2 14 10 6[Rn] 7s: 5f: 6d: 7p: 87 Fr 1 - - - 88 Ra 2 - - - 89 Ac 2 - 1 - 90 Th 2 - 2 - 91 Pa 2 2 1 - 92 U 2 3 1 - 93 Np 2 4 1 - 94 Pu 2 6 - - 95 Am 2 7 - - 96 Cm 2 7 1 - 97 Bk 2 9 - - 98 Cf 2 10 - - 99 Es 2 11 - - 100 Fm 2 12 - - 101 Md 2 13 - - 102 No 2 14 - - 103 Lr 2 14 - 1 104 Rf 2 14 2 - 105 Db 2 14 3 - 106 Sg 2 14 4 - 107 Bh 2 14 5 - 108 Hs 2 14 6 - 109 Mt 2 14 7 - 110 Ds 2 14 8 - 111 Rg 2 14 9 - 112 Cn 2 14 10 - 113 Nh 2 14 10 1 114 Fl 2 14 10 2 115 Mc 2 14 10 3 116 Lv 2 14 10 4 117 Ts 2 14 10 5 118 Og 2 14 10 6

s-block f-block d-block p-block

  • Configurations of elements 109 and above are not available. Predictions from reliable sources have been used for these elements.
  • Grayed out electron numbers indicate subshells filled to their maximum.
  • Bracketed noble gas symbols on the left represent inner configurations that are the same in each period. Written out, these are: He, 2, helium : 1s2 Ne, 10, neon : 1s2 2s2 2p6 Ar, 18, argon : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 Kr, 36, krypton : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 Xe, 54, xenon : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 Rn, 86, radon : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6 Og, 118, oganesson : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6 7s2 5f14 6d10 7p6
  • Note that these electron configurations are given for neutral atoms in the gas phase, which are not the same as the electron configurations for the same atoms in chemical environments. In many cases, multiple configurations are within a small range of energies and the small irregularities that arise in the d- and f-blocks are quite irrelevant chemically. The construction of the periodic table ignores these irregularities and is based on ideal electron configurations.
  • Note the non-linear shell ordering, which comes about due to the different energies of smaller and larger shells.


See list of sources at Electron configurations of the elements (data page).

  1. Jørgensen, Christian K. (1988). "Influence of rare earths on chemical understanding and classification". Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths. Vol. 11. pp. 197–292. doi:10.1016/S0168-1273(88)11007-6. ISBN 9780444870803.
  2. Jensen, William B. (2009). "Misapplying the Periodic Law" (PDF). Journal of Chemical Education. 86 (10): 1186. Bibcode:2009JChEd..86.1186J. doi:10.1021/ed086p1186. Retrieved 16 May 2020.




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