Iphone eos remote failed to save images แก ย งไง

The Canon EOS Remote is a free app for iOS or Android smartphone users, which allows remote shooting, image browsing and other operations for Canon EOS SLR cameras with Wi-Fi functionality.  The Wi-Fi enables remote tethering from your device allowing you to set focus, adjust manual settings and release the shutter without even touching the camera, as well as browse images on the camera’s memory card, select images and save them to your device to easily upload to your favorite social media sites.

So how does it work? To begin, you need the iPhone/iPod iOS 5.0 or Android OS 2.3.3 to be compatible for the Remote app download from either the iTunes or Google Play store.  Designed to connect to Canon’s EOS 6D and 70D, the camera creates a Wi-Fi network allowing you to connect your phone to the cameras network and be used as a wireless access point.

Now that you’re connected, you are now able to adjust Av, Tv, ISO and exposure values, select manual focus points and release the shutter from your smartphone touch screen, much like a tethered shutter release, a big advantage for avoiding camera shake in certain situations where the slightest vibration of the camera can jeopardize the image.

Once you’ve set up your shot, adjusted exposure values and focus, you’re ready to take the shot.  Now you are able to transfer and save the images to your phone and immediately send or share on social media sites.  No uploading to your laptop or monitor, just shoot and share!  Without even taking your camera out of your bag, browse, delete and rate images wirelessly from your phone, keeping your DSLR safe while in crowded cities, or bad weather conditions.

Keep in mind, the full size image taken with your DLSR won’t be downloaded to your smartphone, this would take up too much bandwidth from your wireless connection, but you are left with a smaller file of the same, great-looking image from your professional sized DSLR.  Remote capture of movies are not yet supported, which means viewing MOV files recorded by your camera, cannot be viewed on your smartphone.

With all its features and capabilities, the Canon EOS Remote for iPhone and Android practically makes buying a wireless remote obsolete, allowing you to have even more control over your DSLR with your smartphone, without even touching your camera.

The simplest way to get images, videos, etc onto the simulator is to drag and drop them from your computer onto the simulator. This will cause the Simulator to open the Photos app and start populating the library.

If you want a scriptable method, read on.

Note - while this is valid, and works, I think Koen's solution below is now a better one, since it does not require rebooting the simulator.

Identify your simulator by going to xCode->Devices, selecting your simulator, and checking the Identifier value. Or you can ensure the simulator is running and run the following to get the device ID xcrun simctl list | grep Booted

Go to

~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/[Simulator Identifier]/data/Media/DCIM/100APPLE

and add IMG_nnnn.THM and IMG_nnnn.JPG. You will then need to reset your simulator (Hardware->Reboot) to allow it to notice the new changes. It doesn't matter if they are not JPEGs - they can both be PNGs, but it appears that both of them must be present for it to work. You may need to create DCIM if it doesn't already exist, and in that case you should start nnnn from 0001. The JPG files are the fullsize version, while the THM files are the thumbnail, and are 75x75 pixels in size. I wrote a script to do this, but there's a better documented one over here(-link no longer work).

You can also add photos from safari in the simulator, by Tapping and Holding on the image. If you drag an image (or any other file, like a PDF) to the simulator, it will immediately open Safari and display the image, so this is quite an easy way of getting images to it.

**Please note Shutter is not free. We offer a 7-day free trial. Don't like subscriptions? You can also buy a lifetime access with a single in-app purchase.**

Remotely control Canon EOS cameras and effortlessly capture time-lapse videos in RAW, advanced selfies, real-estate, travel and group photos. (See a list of supported models at the end of this description.) Shutter comes with a full-featured Apple Watch app.


Shutter's timer allows you to specify an initial delay and intervals between photos. You can control waiting sound during the countdown, and photo capture sound when the self-timer triggers.

You can remotely control exposure settings. Included histogram ensures you don't clip highlights or lose shadow details.


With the help of intervalometer, you can get rid of a dedicated cable release. Capture RAW photos and use your regular RAW developer and video editor to put together incredible time-lapse movies.


With timer app you can finally include everyone in family and group photos. Set up timer and allow it to capture multiple frames at one run. Timer sounds will make sure everyone smiles at the exactly right moment.


Ever been to a perfect travel destination with no one around to take a picture of you? Strangers cutting off your limbs? With our intervalometer, you can capture those sunrises and sunsets in the most remote locations.

Shutter's optimized battery usage allows you to enjoy the day to the fullest.


Use exposure bracketing to easily capture multiple exposures of the same scene. Recover all shadow and highlight details in post-production.


By combining ("stacking") multiple photos with the same composition, you can drastically reduce camera noise in post-production. Use Shutter to catch multiple exposures of the night sky. This will allow you to produce stunningly clear images of the Milky Way and Northern Lights (aurora borealis).


No one better understands your Instagram business than yourself. Compose perfect shots and improve your Instagram engagements. With Shutter's timer you can take as many photos as you want without hubby's bored face. Your Canon camera will take care of the rest, giving you the sharpest and most flattering pictures!


* configurable initial delay - include yourself in the photo!
* configurable interval between shots
* set exposure values from the app (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, exposure compensation)
* support for BULB exposure
* exposure bracketing
* audio feedback - know when to smile
* continuous shooting
* live view
* optimized for low battery usage
* histogram to preserve highlights
* control timer from the lock screen
* transfer low-res photo previews from camera
* Dark Mode


* Canon EOS: R, Ra, RP, R3, R5, R5 C, R6, R7, R10
* Canon EOS: M10, M100, M200, M5, M50 (I, II), M6 (I, II)
* Canon EOS: 5D IV, 6D (I, II)
* Canon EOS: 70D, 77D, 80D, 90D
* Canon EOS: 200D (I, II), 250D, 750D, 760D, 800D, 850D
* Canon EOS: 1300D, 1500D, 2000D, 3000D, 4000D, 8000D, 9000D
* Canon EOS Kiss: M, M2, X10, X10i, X80, X8i, X9, X90, X9i
* Canon EOS Rebel: SL2, SL3, T100, T6, T6i, T6s, T7, T7i, T8i


Terms of use: //shutter.dev/legal/terms


Canon, EOS R, EOS M, EOS Kiss, EOS Rebel are registered trademarks of Canon, Inc.




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