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1 ST. DEMETRIUS RESIDENCE Свято-Димитріївська Резиденція Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки Strengthening our Roots Зміцнюючи наше коріння 2004 A N N UA L R E P O RT Щорічний звіт ST. DEMETRIUS (UKR AINIAN CATHOLIC) DEVELOPMENT CORPOR ATION Свято-Димитріївська (Українсько-Католицька) Корпорація Розвитку

2 One generation plants the trees, another gets the shade. Ancient Chinese Proverb Long before St. Demetrius Development Corporation was formed, a generation of Ukrainian-Canadians planted a seed to build a community deeply rooted in Ukrainian-Canadian culture and spirituality. Today that seed has grown to encompass St. Demetrius Residence and the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre two branches of one vision to provide shelter and care for hundreds of Ukrainian-Canadian seniors in an environment respectful of their history, language, and culture. When planning for the future, we look to our humble beginnings to find the essence of what our organization stands for and what has brought us years of success. This year we focused on nourishing the very foundation of our organization the people. Our residents, staff, physicians, families, volunteers, and donors work together to make us the Home with a Heart. In order to maintain a healthy and flourishing Corporation, we must continuously nourish our roots, and through communication, involvement, education, training, and new programs, we are making our deep roots, even stronger. Mission Serving the long-term care and residential needs of seniors. Our Ukrainian Canadian environment is repectful of the cultural and spiritual needs of everyone we serve. 1 Vision To be recognized as a leading service provider, in the Ukrainian-Canadian community, of culturally sensitive, innovative, coordinated, and client-centred services for the elderly. We will make a difference by helping seniors live the fullest lives possible. Core Values embody the concepts that underlie our work and the way we carry out our mission, achieve our vision, and live from day to day. We have articulated these values as: Respect: Culture: Community: We are a client-centred, caring, and compassionate organization that reflects the abilities, beliefs, opinions, and needs of our residents/clients, and each other, in all we do. We value the role of Ukrainian heritage and religion in the lives of our residents, and their families, while celebrating and nurturing the Ukrainian tradition. We recognize the role culture and religion play in the lives of our seniors by enhancing their dignity, self-worth, and connection to their history. We embrace the needs of our stakeholders and strive to meet the changing requirements of our diverse community. Accountability: We are responsible for the commitments we make to our residents and their families, each other, and to other stakeholders. We are accountable to our communities for the human and fiscal resources entrusted to us and will communicate openly and honestly about how we use them. Excellence: We continually strive for excellence in all that we do.

3 The Branches of Our Corporation - Programs and Services The Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre (the Care Centre) is a 120-bed ethnic, long-term care home. Our interdisciplinary healthcare team of professionals includes: physicians, nurses, therapeutic recreation assistants, dieticians, pharmacists, and a social worker, who focus on the needs of our residents and improve quality of life in a culturally sensitive caring environment. The values of independence, self-sufficiency, the importance of family, maintaining active lives, and caring for one another, underpin our philosphy of care. The Care Centre was opened in 1996 and is a not-for-profit, government-funded home. Admission to the Care Centre is coordinated through the Etobicoke-York Community Care Access Centre. Our barrier-free facility, with secure gardens and walking paths, courtyard, atrium and gardens create a homelike environment for our residents. The on-site Melnyk Family Memorial Chapel hosts Catholic and Orthodox pastoral services. We support and encourage resident s own community clergy to visit and tend to individual spiritual needs. St. Demetrius Seniors Residence (the Residence) is a 259-unit apartment complex with bachelor, one bedroom, and two bedroom rental units. Through the supportive care program, our residents are able to live independently in a safe and secure home. St. Demetrius Residence offers communal dining, an on-site chapel, library, and convenient in-house tuck-shop which carries Ukrainian groceries. Residents can also participate in a variety of social and therapeutic recreation activities including physiotherapy, exercise and bingo. 2 St. Demetrius Residence s Supportive Care Services provide 24-hour a day, 7 days a week, on-site service for eligible tenants of St. Demetrius Residence. Tenants and their families identify the services they view as essential to their well-being and ability to remain in the community. Personal Support Workers provide these services and aid tenants in maintaining their independence, while reinforcing the concept of aging-in-place. Services are provided in both English and Ukrainian. The Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre supplies traditional Ukrainian meals to the Humber Regional Community Services program for approximately 15 non-residents. The Humber Regional Community Services is the community service agency for Etobicoke, and western Toronto, and includes the St. Demetrius Supportive Care Services Program. In 2004 the Care Centre provided approximately 10,200 meals. The Care Centre is the only supplier offering a Slavic menu within the limits of western Toronto. In response to the increasing requests for Meals-on-Wheels services, the Care Centre will be expanding its participation.

4 3 Irene Holubiec President of the Board of Directors Sandy Lomaszewycz Executive Director Message from our President of the Board and our Executive Director This annual report focuses on our continuous and strategic efforts to advance our quality of care. Fundamental to our success as an organization, are our people. We engage our staff, physicians, volunteers, family members, and residents in identifying ways to meet ongoing needs. A number of new initiatives have been put in place this year which demonstrate our commitment to our people. In collaboration with the Recreation and Restorative Care Department, the Volunteer Development Department expanded its services and introduced three new residents programs. Our Residents and Family Councils worked together to identify ways to improve communication between staff, family members, and residents. Our front line staff were trained in new dementia approaches. These approaches are being introduced through staff led seminars to help TM educate families. Our organization has embraced the Eden Alternative philosophy which focuses on providing a more homelike environment for our residents. As a start, we introduced three kittens to our home. These new additions have provided endless hours of enjoyment and stimulation. In May, we were honoured to welcome the Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long-term Care, and his Parliamentary Assistant, Monique Smith to the Care Centre for the release of Smith s report, Commitment to Care: A Plan for Long-Term Care in Ontario. It was with a great sense of pride that Minister Smitherman recognized our commitment to residents, If you would like an example of a high quality long-term care home, you only have to look around you here at the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre. This is a non-profit home that serves the Ukrainian Community in culturally familiar surroundings. The Board has continued to evolve and we established a new committee Quality and Risk Management. This important team reviews reports from the Ministry of Health, from compliance visits, and internal indicator reports. The committee makes recommendations to the Board on issues of compliance and outcomes related to quality, risk and utilization, for the Board to fulfill its fiduciary responsibility. Together we have been working hard to ensure the quality of care and services are reflective of our deep commitment to our community. Board of Directors Irene Holubiec, President Victor Lishchyna, Vice-President Richard Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer Most Rev. Bishop Stephen Chmilar William Boyko John C. Newediuk Morris Ilyniak Walter Poprawa Kristine Thompson Roman Dubczak Victor Hetmanczuk Steve Masnyk Committees of the Board Quality and Risk Management Kristine Thompson Victor Hetmanczuk Dr. Peter Derkach Sandy Lomaszewycz Donna Melton Nomination and Governance John C. Newediuk William Boyko Finance, Audit, and Capital Redevelopment Irene Holubiec, President Victor Lishchyna, Vice-President Richard Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer Roman Dubczak 2004 ANNUAL REPORT ST. DEMETRIUS RESIDENCE

5 ВІД ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РАДИ ДИРЕКТОРІВ ТА ВИКОНАВЧОГО ДИРЕКТОРА Цей щорічний звіт зосереджує увагу на наших постійних та стратегічних зусиллях поліпшення якості опіки. Основою нашого успіху як організації є наші люди. Ми привертаємо наших працівників, лікарів, добровольців та членів родин до пошуку шляхів задоволення щоденних потреб. Цього року ми розпочали кілька нових ініціатив, які демонструють нашу відданість нашим людям. Співпрацюючи з Відділом Відпочинку, Відділ Добровольців розвинув свою роботу і запровадив три нових програми для мешканців. Наші Комітети Родин та Мешканців працюють разом у пошуках шляхів поліпшення обміну інформацією між робітниками, родинами та мешканцями. Робітники, які безпосередньо працюють з мешканцями, навчалися новим підходам до опіки мешканців з дементією (слабоумством). Зараз вони передають свої знання родинам. TM Наша організація запровадила Eden Alternative - філософію опіки, яка спрямована на створення домашньої атмосфери для наших мешканців. Початком тому стало з явлення у нашому домі трьох кошенят. Ці нові мешканці є нескінченим джерелом втіхи та задоволення. У травні ми вітали у нашому Осередку Опіки вельмишановного п. Джорджа Смізермена, Міністра Здоров я та Довгострокової Опіки та пані Монік Сміт, його Парламентську Помічницю, які вшанували нас своїм візитом для оприлюднення доповіді пані Сміт Опіка з Відданістю План Довгострокової Опіки в Онтаріо. З великою гордістю та задоволенням п. Смізермен визнав нашу відданість нашим мешканцям: Якщо Вам потрібен приклад будинку високоякісної довгострокової опіки, зверніть свою увагу на Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - неприбутковий дім, який обслуговує українську громаду у культурно обізнаному середовищі. Рада Директорів продовжує розвиватися. Нами було засновано новий Комітет Справ Якості та Ризику. Ця важлива команда розглядає звіти Міністерства Здоров я щодо перевірок відповідності стандартам та доповідей про внутрішні показники якості. Виконуючи доручену відповідальність, цей Комітет надає Раді рекомендації з питань відповідності стандартам та наслідків, які стосуються якості, ризика та використання ресурсів. Ми докладаємо всіх зусиль, працюючи разом над забезпеченням якості опіки та послуг, які відображують нашу глибоку відданість нашій громаді. Покликання Надання житлових та піклувальних послуг найвищого рівня літнім людям в українсько-канадському оточенні, яке зважае на культурні та духовні потреби всіх, кого ми обслуговуємо. 4 Видіння Бути провідним постачальником для літніх людей українсько-канадської громади послуг, які зважають на культурні потреби, запроваджують нововведення, добре координовані та спрямовані на замовника. Ми змінимо життя літніх людей, допомагаючи їм жити якнайкраще. Суттєві цінності втілюють погляди, які лежать в основі нашої роботи та у тому, як ми виконуємо наше покликання, досягаємо нашого видіння та живемо кожного дня. Нашими висловленими цінностями є: Повага: Культура: Громада: Ми є спрямованою на замовника, дбайливою та співчутливою організацією, яка у всьому, що ми робимо, відображує здібності, вірування, погляди та потреби як наші, так і наших мешканців/замовників. Ми цінуємо роль української спадщини та релігії у житті наших мешканців та їхніх родин, святкуючи та підтримуючи українські традиції. Ми визнаємо важливість культури та релігії у житті наших старших людей та вшановуємо почуття їх власної гідності, підносимо їхню самооцінку та підтримуємо зв язок з історією. Ми охоплюємо вимоги всіх, хто відноситься до нашої організації, й намагаємося задовольняти мінливі потреби нашої різноманітної громади. Відповідальність: Ми відповідаємо за зобов язання перед нашими мешканцями, родинами та іншими членами громади. Ми підзвітні нашій громаді за довірені нам людські та фінансові ресурси й ми будемо відверто й чесно повідомляти про їх використання. Висока якість: Ми постійно прагнемо найвищої якості у всьому, що ми робимо ANNUAL REPORT ST. DEMETRIUS RESIDENCE

6 Care Centre Committees It is only through the combined effort of our stakeholders that we ensure our residents receive the best care, and our staff and volunteers have the best opportunities to provide that care. Participation of our residents, staff, donors, families, physicians, management, and volunteers is vital to ensure open communication and cooperation to achieve a common goal to provide the best and safest care and services to our residents. The following committees have been working together, combining individual expertise, and providing a variety of perspectives and insights to have a better holistic view of care. We sincerely thank these dedicated individuals for their time and leadership. 5 Professional Advisory Committee Dr. Peter Derkach, Medical Advisor Dr. Terry Kralka Dr. Michael Szul Dr. Jerry Zownir Sandy Lomaszewycz, Executive Director Donna Melton, Director Resident Care Services Lida Myshkevich Lesia Fedunkiw Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Gail Walker, Co-Chairperson Mary Chemij Lyudmila Chumak Lesia Fedunkiw Danuta Gluch Mikhail Konar Viktoriya Petrik Daria Popovitch Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Dr. Peter Derkach, Medical Director, Chair Kalyna Butler Medical Pharmacies Lesia Fedunkiw Sandy Lomaszewycz Donna Melton Lida Myshkevich Lesia Petruck, Dietician K. Vresky Dr. Terry Kralka Dr. Michael Szul Dr. Jerry Zownir Food Advisory Committee Pat Kennedy, Manager of Food Services Residents Mrs. Baryckyj Mrs. Bobyk Sister Germaine Bohdan Mrs. Horban Mrs. Knapik Mr. Kuzma Mr. Medwid-Terlicki Mr. Stobelko Infection Control Lida Myshkevich, Infection Control Nurse Dr. Peter Derkach Lesia Fedunkiw Pat Kennedy Donna Melton Lesia Petruck Alan Pitts Donald Taylor Gail Walker Public Health Representative Pastoral Care Father Peter Shumelda Father John Tataryn Father Bohdan Sencio Karen Kennedy Donna Melton Resident Care Committee Lesia Fedunkiw Grazyna Hordiak, Physiotherapist Karen Kennedy Donna Melton Lida Myshkevich Eva Pinczak Lesia Petruck Donald Taylor Halyna Viguiliouk Gail Walker Teresa Wierzbicka

7 Our Volunteers No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. - Amelia Earhart Maureen Koya began assisting with Beauty Hour at the Care Centre when it was run by our Recreation Department. When the program schedule changed in the fall, Maureen took the initiative to transform it into a volunteer-led program. Now with a list of clients for the weekly Tuesday night sessions, Maureen says, It gives me such a sense of satisfaction, a feeling hard to describe, to see their happy faces lit up with smiles whenever I m here doing the residents nails and making them feel beautiful and cared for. Beauty Hour is just one example of the many volunteer-led and volunteer-assisted programs we offer. In 2004, our volunteers provided 12,000 hours of service participating in recreation programs, accompanying residents on outings, assisting with fundraising tasks, running the gift shop, and a variety of other activities which make a difference in the lives of our residents. This marks the highest number of volunteer hours, building on a steady increase over the past three years. The Volunteer Development Committee, led by Donald Taylor, Manager of Volunteer Development introduced a new volunteer recognition policy. Through concentrated recognition efforts we are honouring our family of dedicated volunteers, nurturing volunteer relationships, and growing our network. For nine years the talented musical group, Willy s Strings/ Ukrainian Troubadours, have played traditional Ukrainian folk music during the Care Centre s weekly sing-a-long. This year they received M.P.P. Donna Cansfield s prestigious Community Recognition Award for outstanding volunteer service to seniors. 6 We also expanded our program at St. Demetrius Residence adding Library Support, and Tour Guides to the eight existing volunteer positions: Cantor, Chapel, Club Hoverla, Decorating, Embroidery Club, Bingo, Garden, and Weaving. Thank you to all our volunteers. Your time and efforts are truly appreciated and make a difference in the lives of our residents and our Corporation as a whole. Volunteer Development Committee Donald Taylor, Chairperson Kay Boyko Ulana Dyczok Halyna Gawa Helen Hodowany Maria Horban Irene Kucherenko Sophie Lucyk Sandy Lomaszewycz, Ex-officio Vivian Rico

8 Our Staff In any profession, and particularly in the health care sector, where information rapidly changes, there is no nourishment like education. As a Corporation we recognize that in order to provide the highest quality of care we must invest in the people who provide that care our frontline staff. Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting their resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used. - Richard E. Byrd 7 This year, Care Centre Registered Nurse, Oksana Duda, was the first Long-Term Care sector nurse to receive the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario s Advanced Clinical/Practice Fellowship. Oksana mentored at Sunnybrook & Women s Healthcare Centre with a nurse-educator specializing in dementia therapies. Since then, Oksana has led two peer seminars sharing the new techniques for caring for residents with dementia. Gail Walker, our Manager of Recreation and Restorative Care, became our first certified Eden Alternative Associate and is now leading the way for the Care Centre to implement the Eden TM Alternative * philosophy of care. Whether it is through workshops, seminars, conferences, or courses, our staff members continually accept the challenge to learn and to develop clinical and leadership skills as they incorporate new knowledge in their daily routine. We have shown our commitment to staff, and in turn our commitment to continuously improve quality of care, by providing opportunities and support for professional development. We are not only investing in education we are empowering our people. * The Eden Alternative is a philosophy of care that addresses quality of life. The Eden Alternative Almanac states, Our seniors deserve the opportunity to grow, the opportunity to have access to companionship (i.e. dogs, cats, and children), the opportunity to give care or advice, variety and spontaneity of life, a sense of community and contact with the living earth.

9 Our Residents Our residents are at the heart of everything we do. Our two Residents Councils and Family Council have been working together to provide a voice for our residents, long before they were mandated by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. They listen to those who can speak for themselves and advocate for those who cannot. This year, the Care Centre Residents Council introduced an Issue and Suggestion Form opening a new line of communication between residents and staff. Our Family Council hosted several family information sessions and provided workshops to assist families of newly admitted residents with the transition to our home and ongoing care of their loved ones. The St. Demetrius Residents Council worked to re-establish the onsite tuck shop and expanded the congregate dining program to five days a week. In June, we introduced a new event for residents and their families the first Annual Strawberry Social. This year s Annual Joy of Lights celebration of the Christmas season was particularly special as Bishop Cornelius Pasichny and His Eminence YURIJ, Archbishop of Toronto and Bishop of the Eastern Diocese, opened the festivities with Catholic and Orthodox prayers. Care Centre Family Council Helen Hodowany, Chair Donna Melton, Co-Chair Lidia Bobownyk Olga Bugiel Orysia Gay Karen Kennedy Lida Myshkevich Olha Stachnyk Care Centre Residents Council Executive Sister Germaine Bohdan Mr. Alexander Sosna Gail Walker St. Demetrius Residents Council John Kuchinak, Chair Ulana Dyczok, Vice-Chair C. Boyachuk Frank Burke Emilia Krywiah Lilian Lelyk Olga Melnychuk Roman Pashkewych Natalie Popowich Anne Stecluk, Secretary Olga Wowk Robert Yurichuk 8 Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre Number of Residents 120 Number of Couples 5 Number of residents here since opening in Average Age 85 Age Range St. Demetrius Residence Number of Residents 268 Number of Couples 11 Number of residents here since opening in Average Age 82 Age Range 65-99

10 Our Donors Our sincere thanks go to all our generous donors, including our Home with a Heart Club members, supporters of the Kurelek Campaign for Care, in-kind donors, community partners, and donors requesting anonymity. Your support helps to provide our residents with the quality of care they deserve. We would like to say a special thank you to Mrs. Jean Kurelek and her late husband, Ukrainian-Canadian artist, William Kurelek. His generous and selfless nature provoked him to create a one of a kind Icon for the St. Demetrius community, to use in its fundraising initiatives. Twenty-seven years later, we are using this magnificent art treasure to raise funds for the Care Centre through the Kurelek Campaign for Care. These funds will enhance the quality of life for our residents. Thank you to all our supporters. Every effort is made to ensure proper recognition of each donor who has given gifts totaling $100 or more between January 1, 2004 and December 31, If there are errors or omissions, please contact the Development Office at , ext 224. Our sincere thanks to the additional 557 individual donors who have supported us this past year. Space limitations make it impossible to list your names. We value each and every one of you and the commitment you have made to our organization. A complete list of donors can be found on our website 9 $10,000 Plus Erast and Yarmila Huculak Estate of Dora Malanchuk John Tataryn $5,000 to $9,999 Olga Mary Ehnat F.K. Morrow Foundation Mary and John Yaremko, Q.C. $2,500 to $4,999 Ernest O. Antoniw Cecile S. Barida Elias Lazarenko Estate of Helen Lesiuk Stanley Peterson Stephen Polos U.C.W.L.C. St. Basil the Great Branch United Way of Greater Toronto $1,000 to $2,499 Vladimir Antonowych John Berezowskyj Cardinal Funeral Homes Marion Dorosh Gene W. Faryna James P. Fedorkiw John B. Gregorovich Josephine Guastella Theodore Harasymchuk Irene Holubiec William B. G. Humphries William Jacobs Walter Jerome Theodore Kozminchuk Steven Kulik Andrew J. Kulyk Mykola N. Kulyk Roman M. Kulyk Sophie Lucyk Walter and Anne Naumowich John P. and Mary Ann Newediuk Walter and Janet Petryshyn Premform Limited Michael and Anastasia Pyjko Vivian J. Rico Michael and Irene Shipowick Harry and Anne Slota Hryhorij and Kathryna Swerhun Marta Syrotynsky Ann Tataryn Frederick and Annette Ternoway Kristine Thompson Eugene and Olga Wolanski $500 to $999 Lubko Belej William and Doris Festeryga Stefan and Roma Franko Pat Halko John Harasym Hurtok Vyshyvalnyc Myroslaw and Iwanna J. Jaremus Lynne Jerome Lena Jurenc Anna Krawec Odarka Lechnowsky Walter and Bernice Lemiski Dorothy M. Linton Patricia A. Magoski Helen Ohorodnyk Rusty and Laura Osadchuk Nestor J. and Luba J. Snihura Ben Sobie Sue Taraschuk Mary Tomaschuk Jerry and Jean Truss Stephanie Wychowanec Elsie Yarmol $250 to $499 Michael and Annie Bury Roman Bylo Caroline Carswell George W. Chomyn Katherine Czornyj Tatiana Diachynsky Estate of Wasyl Dubas Fellowship of Saints Cyril and Methodios Neonila Gawa Dave M. and Helen Gregorash Henry and Helen Hodowany J & T Firchuk Rentals Walter Jacyk Nettie Kachur

11 Mary Kmit Walter and Emily Kobzar Donna M. Kolyn Peter and Mary Kopiak Roman and Maria Kosmyna Olga Kotyluk Olga Krawec Joseph and Katherine Krochak Irene Krywulsky Nellie Lemiski Terry and Marta Lubinski Michael and Ella Manasterski Walter and Janet Maxymiw Lesia Mary Mision Stella Neweduk Rose Novitski Emil Pidwerbecki John and Lida Pluwak George and Lida Sawdyk Helga Schwab Katherine Sklepowich Yaroslaw and Oksana Sokolyk Stephanie Sosinsky Ollie Stachnyk Stanley and Jane Swiatek Steven and Dianne Sydij Walter and Frances Szafranski Myron and Lidia Tymochko $100 to $249 Deborah Ahern Alias, a division of Silicon Graphics Ltd. Randall and Barbara Arthur Assembly Component Systems Fred Babbie Olexander and Olena Babij George B. and Joan E. Babiy Valentine Bahry William and Jean Basnicki Anne Bator Roman Belej Dick and Polly Berezowski Edmund Bielawski Victoria Bier Marie T. Bilaniuk Anna Bilous Board of Governors of Exhibition Place Bill and Helene Bochar Ted and Anne Bodnarsky Sophie Bohach Peter and Catherine Bolishyn Ivan and Anne Borejko Zenon and Olga Borys Anna Borys Katherine Boyko J. Brosko Michael and Zorianna Bunga Jaroslaw and Cristeen Bybyk Anthony and Stanice Caruk Nina Chyz City of Toronto, City Clerk s Office Coca-Cola Bottling Company Jacqueline Cochrane Irene Cord Andy and Zoriana Deeder Morris H. Demborynsky Michael and Vera Denderys Ihor Diakunchak Maria Diakunyk Robert Didulka Steve Dmytryszyn Stefan and Anna Drozdowsky George and Edith Druljak Irene Duwalo Maria Fedasz Irena S. Fedchun Walter and Rose Filipowich Mary Fodchuk Eugenia Fodchuk Ruth G. Foley Ivan and Karen Franko Funding Matters Inc. Ihor and Irene Gadacz Anne Glowa William and Joanne Gludish Zenon and Elaine Goldy Steven and Mary Gregorish Natalie Helen Gula Marie Hall Daria Hensiorowsky Robert W. and Barbara Hill Walter and Claire Hlibchuk Sonia Holiad Bohdan Horich and Alla Nedashkivska George and Irene Horich Myroslava Horich Daniel and Irene Hoshowsky Morris and Ann Hoshowsky Helen Hrynkiw Edgar and Phillis Huk Steven Huk Dmytro Huley Maria Huley Hummingbird Centre Benjamin and May Hutzel Morris Ilyniak George J. and Wilhelmina H. Iwanchyshyn Julia Janesiwskyj Vera Jaworiwsky Richard and Elizabeth Jaworski Anna Jaworsky Michael and Anne Kapusta Alex Karakokkinos Roman and Maria Kassian Walter and Jacqueline Kemball Luba Kimber Judy B. Koly Stephen and Barbara Kosar Robert Koshelanyk Roma Kosmyna Albert E. and Mary Kowal Bill Kozak John S. and Jane Krasnewych Mychajlyna Kryshtalsky Helen Kulchisky Sylvia Kunanec Sophia A. Kupczyk Anton Kurmey Ruth Larochelle Andre and Lydia Lebed Marika Lialka Roman Lobay Jean Lockwood Robert and Donna Lockwood Sandra Lomaszewycz Olga H. Lopechuk Luba Luhowy Stefan Luhowy Michael and Madeline Machibroda Maria Macijiwska Stefan Maczuzak Pete Maksymchuk Walter and Christine Maksymowsky E. and Olga Malysa Anne Manchur Janice Marshall William and Lesis Maxwell Gerry and Mary Maysuik W. and M. Maziar Anne Mazurenko Donald and Sophie McMichael James and Norma McNair Michael and Olga Melnyk Leo and Mary Melnyk Roman and Tania Melnyk Joe, Jr. and Jean Menichan MetalChem Canada Inc. Michael and Helen Milko David Miller Russell and Bernice Mokriy Olga Morhan Lucy Morwick Walter and Olga Moyseuik Petro Mucykiwsky Mulvey & Banani International Inc. Tom and Christine Muranyi Anne Napady 10

12 11 Andrij Nebesio New China Gourmet Stuart and Sheila Niermeier Pelagia Noga Jean Novick Stephen Novitski Carolyn A. Nykilchuk Olga Omelko Ontario Good Roads Association OPG Employees & Pensioners Charity Trust Peter and Nadia Ostapchuk Olga Padyk Bud and Bette Palanica Maria Pasichnyk Irena Patten Alex and Mary Pawluk Nadia Pawlyk Joseph O. and Anna Perun Kresho Petrovich Maria Petruck Bill and Loreen Phillips Jeffrey W. and Danise Phillips Alex Pokorchak Walter and Maria Pomirko Michael Prociw Michael and Helen Pruss Walter Prychitko Marko and Olga Pylypiuk George and Lydia Replansky Kim and Constance Richards Carole Riddolls Janice Robertson Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Luba Royko Marie A. Rudyk Michael and Tatiana Rudzik Michael and Romana Sajewycz Peter Sawaryn Ronald and Judith Selics Anthony and Mary Semanyshyn Petronela Semeniuk Bob and Nadia Semko Raya Shadursky Shakey s Shakers Baseball Team Mary Shalagan Vera D. Shevchuk John and Mary Shewchuk A. and Sonia Slobodian Roman L. and Halia L. Sluzar Larry and Geri Smith Myron and Daria Sochaniwsky Andre and Anne Marie Sochaniwsky Walter and Olga Socotsky Mary Sotnick SRE Controls Teresa Stachiw Leon Stachnyk Helen Stadnyk Diane Stasyna Arsen Stepaniuk Barry and Nadia Strathdee Michelle Suhanic Eugene and Alexandra Sukniarsky Anna Sydij Maria T. Szuflat-Ciuciura Joseph and Marcella Tanzola Olga Tarashuk The Bank of Nova Scotia, West Metro Commercial Banking Centre Toronto Police Services Board Alex and Lesia Tymochenko U.C.W.L.C. Holy Dormition Church Ukrainian Women s Organization of Canada Alexander and Katharine Vajny Ben and Mary Wionzek Mykola and Maria Wodoslawsky Anna Wojnar John R. and Iroida L. Wynnyckyj Frances Yakymchuk Roma Yanchinski Orest and Lesia Yarish Peter and Shirley Yawney William and Mary Young Michael and Marian Yovorsky Walter and Olive Yovorsky Lillian Yuryk Michael and Mary Zabinsky Olga Zurawel Gift in Kind Donations Vera Bochar COS on the Kingsway Salon and Spa John and Linda Cowan Ralph P. Cowan William Dedeluk Doris Festeryga Annette Koturbacz Sherry Kucharchuk June Kuzmowich Sandra Lomaszewycz Walter Stefaniuk Teodora Wachna Oleh Wowkodaw Peter Wowkodaw Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act 2003 The purpose of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act is to make Ontario s broader public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers. The Act requires organizations that receive public funding to disclose annually the names, positions, salaries and benefits of employees paid $100,000 or more per year. Using this information, taxpayers will be able to compare an organization s performance and priorities with the way it compensates staff. Name Sandra Lomaszewycz Position *Executive Director Salary Paid $110, Taxable Benefits $71.04 * This position is accountable for St. Demetrius Residence, the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre and St. Demetrius Supportive Care Services. In 2001, the Board of Directors set an objective to attract and retain qualified staff by ensuring that our compensation policy is appropriate and competitive in order to meet the organization s objectives.

13 St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation Summarized Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2004 Auditors Report on 2004 Summarized Financial Statements To the Members of: St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation The accompanying summarized statement of financial position and statements of net assets, reserve for major repairs and replacements and operations of St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation as at December 31, 2004 and for the year then ended were prepared on a basis of accounting required by government funders rather than generally accepted accounting principles and on which we expressed an opinion without reservation in our report dated March 2, The fair summarization of the complete financial statements is the responsibility of management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guideline of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects, the related complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline above. These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the organization s financial position, results of operations and cash flows, reference should be made to the related complete financial statements. Toronto, Ontario March 2, 2005 Browning, Milgram Chartered Accountants 12 St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation Summarized Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2004 Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre St. Demetrius Residence Development Office Total Total $ $ $ $ $ ASSETS CURRENT Cash and marketable securities 127, ,204 88, ,642 1,152,037 Ministry subsidies receivable 77,625 39, ,826 39,492 Other receivables and prepaid expenses 76,529 59,013 6, , , , ,418 94,992 1,056,298 1,401,425 CAPITAL ASSETS 12,542,046 5,241, ,718 18,085,715 18,916,126 RESTRICTED FUNDS Major repairs and replacements - 1,465,807-1,465,807 1,413,806 12,823,934 7,387, ,710 20,607,820 21,731,357

14 St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation Summarized Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2004 continued Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre St. Demetrius Residence Development Office Total Total $ $ $ $ $ LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT Refundable to funding agencies - 456, , ,963 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 648, ,610 29, ,200 1,016,402 Deferred grant revenue ,327 51,327 18,600 Mortgage current portion 127, , , ,589 Interdivision payable 213,046 (98,892) (114,154) - - Tenant deposits - 193, , , ,127 1,035,188 (33,059) 1,991,256 2,150,973 NOTE PAYABLE 1,449, ,449,927 1,449,927 LONG-TERM DEBT Mortgages payable 2,901,712 4,939,706-7,841,418 8,269,978 DEFERRED CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 7,624, ,624,425 8,064,723 RESERVE for Major Repairs and Replacements - 1,465,807-1,465,807 1,413, ,965,191 7,440,701 (33,059) 20,372,833 21,349,407 NET ASSETS Contributed surplus - 4,912-4,912 4,912 Invested in capital assets 438, , , ,909 Other (579,980) (58,437) 128,051 (510,366) (347,871) (141,257) (53,525) 429, , ,950 12,823,934 7,387, ,710 20,607,820 21,731,357 Signed on behalf of the Board: March 17, 2005 March 17, 2005 Irene Holubiec - President Date Richard Taylor - Treasurer Date St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation Summarized Statement of Net Assets for the year ended December 31, 2004 Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre St. Demetrius Residence Development Office Total Total $ $ $ $ $ NET ASSETS Net assets beginning of year (236,415) (58,430) 671, , ,377 Adjustment to prior years Pay equity 95, ,252 (117,212) Operations for the year (70,094) (7) (172,114) (242,215) (44,127) Interfund Transfer 70,000 - (70,000) - - Net assets end of year (141,257) (58,437) 429, , ,038

15 St. St. Demetrius Demetrius (Ukrainian (Ukrainian Catholic) Catholic) Development Development Corporation Corporation Summarized Summarized Statement Statement of of Reserve Reserve for for Major Major Repairs Repairs and and Replacements Replacements for for the the year year ended ended December December 31, 31, St. Demetrius Residence St. Demetrius Residence $ $ BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 1,413,806 1,459,475 Annual allocation from operations 135, ,000 Interest earned 50,257 54,320 Disbursements during the year (133,256) (138,615) Adjustments to prior years allocations - (201,374) BALANCE, END OF YEAR 1,465,807 1,413,806 St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation Summarized Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2004 Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre St. Demetrius Residence Development Office Total Total $ $ $ $ $ REVENUE Subsidy: City of Toronto - 470, , ,915 Subsidy: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care 3,545, ,545,037 3,426,766 Other 1, ,850 60,737 Deferred contributions recognized 440, , ,298 Tenant fees 2,355,206 2,045,065-4,400,271 4,330,909 Interest - 4,088-4,088 Donations and fund raising , , ,864 Grants , ,342,391 2,519, ,142 9,107,109 9,183,589 EXPENSES Wages benefits and consulting fees 4,527, , ,709 5,123,965 4,711,545 Dietary, supplies, material and equipment 550, , ,690 Administrative and general 147, ,824 85, , ,124 Marketing, promotion and fundraising ,445 20,445 50,787 Audit and accounting ,844 10,844 8,520 Maintenance, utilities, municipal taxes, other 481,729 1,095,816-1,577,545 1,460,523 Mortgage interest 147, , , ,583 Amortization 557, , , ,551 Allocation to reserve for major repairs & replacements - 135, , ,000 6,412,485 2,242, ,256 9,072,295 8,849,323 (70,094) 277,022 (172,114) 34, ,266 Deduct subsidies refundable - (277,029) - (277,029) (378,393) EXCESS OF (EXPENSES OVER REVENUE) (70,094) (7) (172,114) (242,215) (44,127)

16 Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки 60 Richview Road Etobicoke, ON M9A 5E4 St. Demetrius Residence Свято-Димитріївська Резиденція 123 La Rose Ave. Etobicoke, ON M9P 3T3 Thank you for your support. For more information please contact our Development Office at (416) or visit




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