นายทะเบียนพาณิชย์ ภาษาอังกฤษ

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���Ѿ��������Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ�ҹ������¹��áԨ/ Vocabularies Relevant to the Business Registration


Commercial Registration

1. ����¹�ҳԪ�� Commercial registration
2. �ҳԪ¡Ԩ Commercial businesses
3. ���˹��,���᷹ Agent
4. ��Сͺ�Ԩ����ѵ����� Conducting handicraft businesses
5. ��Сͺ�Ԩ��â��� Conducting transportation businesses
6. ���������� Transportation via ship
7. ��â�����ö� Transportation via rail
8. ��â�����ö�ҧ Transportation via tram
9. ��â�����ö¹���Шӷҧ Transportation via bus
10. ��â�·ʹ��Ҵ Sale by auction
11. ����Ѻ���͢�·��Թ Land trading
12. ������������Թ Lending
13. ��ë��͢���Թ��ҵ�ҧ����� Foreign exchange
14. ��Сͺ�Ԩ��ø�Ҥ�� Conducting banking businesses
15. ��Сͺ�Ԩ����¡�ǹ Conducting gambling businesses
16. ��Сͺ�Ԩ��ë��͢�µ����Թ Conducting pawn businesses
17. ��Сͺ�Ԩ����ç�Ѻ�ӹ� Conducting pawn businesses
18. ��Сͺ�Ԩ����ç��� Conducting hotel businesses
19. ��Сͺ�Ԩ��â���ѭ��� Conducting jewelry businesses
20. �Ԩ��â�����ͺ�ԡ�ü�ҹ�����Թ������ Conducting sale or service businesses via internet
21. �������ԡ�ÿѧ�ŧ��ͧ�ŧ�������� Karaoke service
22. �������ԡ������ͧ������� Game service
23. �������ԡ�õ���ŧ Song Booth service
24. ��� �������蹫մ� ���մ� ���͡�úѹ�ԧ Sale and rent of CD, DVD for entertainment
25. �Ԩ��ä����� ἧ��� Stall businesses
26. �Ԩ��ú��ا��ʹ� Religious businesses
27. �Ԩ������͡�á��� Charitable businesses
28. �Ԩ��âͧ��ǹ�Ҫ��� Government unit’s businesses
29. �Ԩ��âͧ��ŹԸ� Foundation’s businesses
30. �Ԩ��âͧ��Ҥ� Association’s businesses
31. �Ԩ����ˡó� Cooperative’s businesses
32. ����ʴ���¡���ѹ���� Demonstrating false transactions
33. ��û�������鹤�� Counterfeiting products
34. ��é��⡧��ЪҪ� Deceitful action
35. ��ö١�͹㺷���¹�ҳԪ�� Commercial registration certificate is transferred


Partnership Registration

36. ��ҧ�����ǹ���ѭ Ordinary Partnership
37. ��ҧ�����ǹ���ѭ�ԵԺؤ�� Juristic Ordinary Partnership
38. ��ҧ�����ǹ�ӡѴ Limited partnership
39. �����ǹ�Ӿǡ�ӡѴ�����Ѻ�Դ Limited partnership
40. �����ǹ�Ӿǡ���ӡѴ�����Ѻ�Դ Partner without limit
41. �ԵԺؤ�� Juristic person
42. �ؤ�Ÿ����� Ordinary person
43. �ؤ�ŵ�ҧ���� Alien
44. ��кؤ�� Group of person
45. �����ǹ���Ѵ��� Managing partner
46. �ѭ�Ңͧ����������ǹ Partner’s contracts
47. �������ѵ�Һѹ Giving word of honor
48. �ѵ�ط����ʧ��ͧ��ҧ�����ǹ Objective of partnership
49. �ѵ�ط����ʧ��ͧ����ѷ�ӡѴ Objective of Company Limited
50. ŧ�����ͪ��� Sign / signature
51. ����ط�ó����觹�·���¹ Appeal registrar’s order
52. ������Է�ԡ���ط�ó� Informing appeal’s right
53. ��û���ʸ����Ѻ������¹ Denying the registration
54. ����ԡ�͹�Ӣͨ�����¹ Repealing the request for registration
55. ����ѷ�ӡѴ Company limited
56. ����ʹ͢����� Share’s offering
57. �������, ������ü�����ӹҨ Director / authorized director
58. ������ü��Ѵ��� Managing director


Company’s Registration

59. �������� Board of Directors
60. ����������͡�� Persons who start up the company
61. ˹ѧ��͹Ѵ��Ъ�� Invitation letter to attend the meeting
62. ��û�Ъ����駺���ѷ Company establishment’s meeting
63. ��û�Ъ����С������ Board’s meeting
64. ��û�Ъ�������ѭ�������� Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting
65. ��û�Ъ�����ѭ�������� Ordinary shareholders’ meeting
66. ��Է���Ъ�� Meeting resolution
67. ��Ծ���� Extraordinary resolution
68. ��ṹ���§��ҧ�ҡ Majority vote
69. ��ṹ���§���͡�ѹ�� Unanimous vote
70. ��һ�зѺ Seal
71. �ǧ��� Seal
72. ��Ҵع, ��ҹٹ Convex seal
73. ��������¡�÷ҧ����¹ Modification of registered transaction
74. �ѵ�ػ��ʧ��ͧ����ѷ�ӡѴ Objective of company limited
75. ��������ع Capital increase
76. ���Ŵ�ع Capital decrease
77. ��äǺ����ѷ Company’s merger
78. ��äǺ��ҧ�����ǹ������¹ Registered partnership’s merger
79. ��è�����¹����Ҿ Registering for transformation
80. ���ؤ��� Prescription in law
81. ��ͤ����ѹ���� False statement
82. ����稨�ԧ Fact
83. ��ö͹����¹����ѷ��ҧ Repealing unoccupied company’s registration
84. ��ö͹����¹��ҧ�����ǹ������¹��ҧ Repealing unoccupied registered partnership’s registration
85. ��âմ�����͡�ҡ����¹ Crossing the name from the register
86. ��ͺѧ�Ѻ����ѷ Company’s regulation
87. �Ѵ��͡����� Contradicting with the law
88. �Ҵ���ؤ��� Prescription in law expires
89. ������Թ Financial statement
90. �����âҴ�ع Profit and loss statement
91. ����� Balance sheet
92. �Թ�ѹ�� Dividend
93. �����˵ػ�Сͺ������Թ Note to financial statement
94. ����ͺ�ѭ���Ѻ͹حҵ Certified Public Accountant
95. ��õ�Ǩ��çҹ Auditing the work
96. ��èͧ���͹ԵԺؤ�� Reserving the juristic person’s name
97. 㺨ͧ���� Name reservation slip
98. ��觷�����ŧ��� Invested items
99. �ع������¹ Registered capital
100. ��Ӥѭ��ê����Թ������ Share Payment Certificate
101. ��Ӥѭ��ê����Թŧ��� Share Payment Certificate
102. ��èͧ������� Reserving to buy shares
103. ��� Share
104. ������ѭ Common share
105. ��鹺�����Է�� Preferred share
106. �������� Shareholders
107. ����кت��� Named shares
108. ��鹼���� Shares with holder
109. ���� Share certificate
110. ��鹡�� Bond
111. ���ͧ��� Persons who reserve the share
112. ��ش������¹�������� Book of shareholders’ registration
113. �ѭ����ª��ͼ������� List of shareholders’ names
114. ˹ѧ��������˹�� Letter to inform creditors
115. ˹ѧ��ͺ�Ԥ���ʹ�� Memorandum of association
116. ˹ѧ����ͺ�ӹҨ Letter of power of attorney
117. ������ӹҨ��зӡ��᷹�ԵԺؤ�� Authorized officer on behalf of the juristic person
118. Ẻ�Ӣͨ�����¹ Request for Registration Form
119. �͡��û�Сͺ�Ӣͨ�����¹ Attachment
120. ����͹��� Share’s transfer
121. ˹ѧ����ѭ�ҡ���͹��� Share transfer contract
122. �����Է��� Ownership

˹��§ҹ/ ���˹�/ ���͡�����

Unit / Position / Name of Law

123. ��з�ǧ�ҳԪ�� Minister of Commerce
124. ����Ѳ�Ҹ�áԨ��ä�� Department of Business Development
125. �ӹѡ����¹��áԨ Office of Business Registration
126. �ӹѡ�ҹ��ԡ�è�����¹��áԨ Office of Business Registration Service
127. �ӹѡ�ҹ����¹�����ǹ����ѷ��ҧ Office of the Central Company and Partnership Registration
128. �ӹѡ�ҹ����¹�����ǹ����ѷ�ӡѴ Office of the Company Limited and Partnership Registration
129. �ӹѡ�ҹ�Ѳ�Ҹ�áԨ��ä�Ҩѧ��Ѵ Provincial Business Development Office
130. �����š���������оҳԪ�� Civil and Commercial Code
131. ����º�ӹѡ�ҹ����¹�����ǹ����ѷ Rule of Office of the Company Limited and Partnership Registration
132. ����觡���Ѳ�Ҹ�áԨ��ä�� Order of Department of Business Development
133. ������ӹѡ�ҹ����¹�����ǹ����ѷ Order of Office of the Company Limited and Partnership Registration
134. ����Ҫ�ѭ�ѵ� Act
135. ����Ҫ�ѭ�ѵԡ�˹������Դ�ͧ��ҧ�����ǹ������¹ ��ҧ�����ǹ�ӡѴ ����ѷ�ӡѴ ��Ҥ������ŹԸ� �.�. 2499 Act on Identification of the Offense of Registered Partnership, Limited Partnership, Company Limited, Association and Foundation B.E. 2499
136. ����Ҫ��˹� Emergency Decree
137. ����Ҫ��ɮա� Royal Decree
138. ��·���¹ Registrar
139. ��·���¹��ҧ Central Registrar

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Form/ Attachment

140. Ẻ�Ӣͨ�����¹��ҧ�����ǹ Form for requesting the partnership’s registration
141. Ẻ�Ӣͨ�����¹����ѷ�ӡѴ Form for requesting the company limited’s registration
142. ˹ѧ����Ѻ�ͧ Certificate
143. Ẻ��¡�è�����¹�Ѵ��� Form regarding the transaction for registering the establishment
144. ���Ѻ�ͧ�����ͪ��;�ҹ Certificate of witness’s signature
145. Ẻ��¡�è�����¹���������� Form for additional registered transaction
146. Ẻ�Ӣͨ�����¹��ԡ Form for requesting the liquidation
147. Ẻ�Ӣͨ�����¹���稪��кѭ�� Form for requesting the completeness of liquidation
148. Ẻ��¡�è�����¹��ԡ Form for the liquidation
149. Ẻ��¡�è�����¹���稡�ê��кѭ�� Form for the completeness of liquidation
150. ��§ҹ��ê��кѭ�� Liquidation report
151. ��������´��ش�ѭ�� Details of account book
152. Ẻ�ʴ���¡������ǡѺ��� ��Сͺ��áԨ�ͧ��ҧ�����ǹ����ѷ Form for the company / partnership’s business operations
153. Ẻ�Ӣ͵�Ǩ�͡��� Form for requesting the document audit
154. Ẻ�ͧ���͹ԵԺؤ�� Form for reserving juristic person’s name
155. Ẻ�Ӣ�˹ѧ����Ѻ�ͧ Form for requesting the certificate
156. �Ӣͨ�����¹����·���¹��� �Ѻ������¹ Request for registration that the registrar does not obtain the registration
157. �Ӣͨ�����¹����·���¹��觨�˹��� Request for registration that the registrar orders to dispose
158. ˹ѧ��ͤѴ��ҹ��è�����¹ Letter to object the registration
159. ˹ѧ��ͪ��ᨧ��è�����¹ Letter to explain the registration
160. ˹ѧ������͡�ҡ�Ҫ��� Resignation letter
161. ˹ѧ����Թ��������ʶҹ��� Approval letter of the use of place
162. Ẻ�Ѻ�ͧ�����ͪ��� Form for certifying the signature
163. ��§ҹ��û�Ъ�� Meeting report
164. ���ҷ���¹��ҹ Copy of registered address
165. �����͡����Է���ͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ ��Тͧ�����кѭ�� Copy of the document demonstrating the right of the liquidator’s office and the liquidator
166. ��ѡ�ҹ��駤��� Police report
167. ���ŧ��С���ɳ��˹ѧ��;���� Advertising on the newspaper
168. ��ͺѧ�Ѻ��Ѻ�վ���� Published regulation
169. ��Ӥѭ�ʴ���è�����¹�ͧ Registration certificate of the original company
170. ����ѷ������Ǻ Registration certificate of the original company
171. ���ҤӾԾҡ�� Copy of court’s decision
172. ���ºѧ�Ѻ��բͧ��� Summons
173. �������� Court’s order


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