Import file เข า sony vegas ม แต เส ยง

I keep on getting this "the activation of account AAC (mc) failed if you are using the program as a guest please repeat the activation" every time I try to import any video file into vegas pro 18 for some reason only audio files can be dropped or imported in

Is it possible to import a list of chapter markers into DVDA 4.5? The help content refers to a possible problem being caused by importer markers but there are no instructions about how to do it.


If you save your markers in the rendered file in Vegas, they import as chapters in DVD Architect. You can add additional markers in the DVD Architect timeline.

Athenian wrote on 9/21/2010, 4:11 PM

My files aren't coming from Vegas. I wasn't aware that Vegas was a prerequisite for DVDA.

Can I import my chapters into Vegas Studio?

Where are your markers coming from? MP4BOX or something else?

Can you paste them into View->Edit Details->Markers from a tab-delimited file? This works in Vegas Pro.

Although DVD Architect will accept files from other sources, compliant files from Vegas are the preferred method.

Athenian wrote on 9/22/2010, 1:00 PM

My video files and chapter markers come from VideoReDo.

I ended up just pasting each entry from the delimited text file into the timer on the timeline in DVDA, pressing enter, then adding a marker. It wasn't as fast as importing the list but it wasn't so bad. It would have been better though if I could have used right-click paste in the timer field.

I have VRD also. Although I haven't used it for importing DVDs with existing chapter markers, I'll run a couple of tests and see if there is an easier way to paste a list. Give me a week or so.

Athenian wrote on 9/22/2010, 6:03 PM

This is recorded television. What I usually do for these, is detect and cut the ads, then insert my chapter marks in the same pass. When I output the video, I'm ready to compile my DVD.

I generally use DVD Lab for my DVD authoring but I ran into a problem with incompatible codecs (one of the programs came through a Mac) so I switched to DVDA to compile the disk.

Recorded TV shows is what I do also.

Here is what I do:

  1. Import the raw file into VRD. Run Quickstream Fix (important).
  2. Run the ad removal tool. Save as .vob (so the AC3 audio will show up in Vegas.
  3. Import the new .vob into Vegas. Match Project to Media Properties (do you know how to do this?)
  4. Import your marker list, or create and name your markers in Vegas (edited).
  5. Smart-Render your video in Vegas, starting with the DVD Architect template (do you know how to do this?). Check the Save Markers in file option.
  6. Render your AC3 audio to a separate file in Vegas (don't ask why just yet).
  7. Pull the video into the DVD Architect menu pane. The audio will follow.
  8. The media markers show up as chapters on the DVDA timeline. Author, prepare, and burn as you normally would.

It seems like a lot of steps, but goes very fast. I regularly go from raw 2 hr. program to burned disc in an hour flat.

TOG62 wrote on 9/23/2010, 8:34 AM

Just out of curiosity, why do you use Vegas? Would it not be easier to import mpeg from VRD straight into DVDA and create the chapter marks there? DVDAS 5 will recognise .mpg files with AC3 sound.

I use Cyberlink PowerDirector to do the editing and go straight into DVDAS with no problems.

I sometimes do additional editing, audio normalization, sharpening or title fades. That's the only reason really. I also wanted to propose an alternative to doing the chapter markers in DVDA, which the OP seems to want to avoid.

Your method is perfectly valid and saves a step.

Athenian, I discovered straightaway that the Chapter List from VideoRedo imports directly into the Vegas Edit Details.

Just set the VRD prefs to save the markers on completion, and make sure the timecode format is set the same as your Vegas Project (time+frames). Works seamlessly with the method I posted above (importing your marker list in step 4), and you have your chapters already there when you get to DVDA.

BTW, thanks for motivating me to look into this. I'll probably be using the markers from VRD a lot now.

Good day

i want to burn a project i created with Sony Vegas, using DVD Architect. After Rendering, going to Preparing, i get a screen saying: Please insert chapter marker in the title "My project name' between "00:28:17.696' and 00:56:46.737;.

i went back to project in Sony Vegas and inserted a chapter, using new project in Architect, but the same happened.

this is the first time in 9 years using Vegas i get this command. how do i do this and why all of a sudden.

Regard Carien

Former user wrote on 8/13/2020, 7:28 AM

Are you trying to create a 2 layer DVD? (DVD-9)

vkmast wrote on 8/13/2020, 7:46 AM

Which version of "Sony Vegas"? The last ones were # 13. Or VEGAS, as of # 14? We assume you have VEGAS DVD Architect, latest build # 100.