Painful love ม อาจเอ ยค าว าร ก pdf

If you are one of those sick masochistic bastards who read 10 Years That I Loved You the Most and went back for more, this one's for you. Uncontrolled Love is like a speed run version of that but with more whiplash. Seriously, the amount of back and forth between the love interest thinking no homo, to yes homo, is certified insanity. I almost had an aneurysm reading this so really, proceed at your own risk and abandon all hope all ye who enter here.

First of all, that summery is a lie. I went into this thinking this was going to be a light rom com where the ml finally comes to terms with his feelings while lovingly bickering with the protagonist. Boy, was I a naive bitch!

The two volumes of this book can be basically be summed up as, Vol. 1: gaslighting no homo, and Vol 2: the audacity of this bitch. Both volumes hurt, but in different ways. The ml spends the entirety of Vol.1 ass deep (ha) in denial while also being the most homosexual homophobe I've ever seen in my life. Raise your hands if you too, as a straight man, like to cuddle in bed while spooning your buddy with a side of chest groping. Also, raise your hand if you, again as a self proclaimed strictly straight man, like to hug your male buddy from the back while he's cooking and then bite his ear since you're "hungry". I'm- I just feel so lost and this shit all takes place in like the 3rd chapter. Honestly, this volume could also be summed up as "the audacity of this bitch" because the ml then spends the rest of Vol. 1 being an abusive little ass bitch (heh) to the ml because he can't come to grips (lol) with his own feelings. I'm sorry I had to. This volume also features such hit bl classics such as rape, assault, victim blaming, slut shaming, slurs, and desperate homophobia. We also get a second love interest in this which, not gonna lie, gave me hopeful butterflies for a hot minute before the author crushed those feelings under their boot and left me on the asphalt because they hate happiness, me, and the protagonist. If any of y'all suffer from Second Lead Syndrome, steer clear: this guy did not get the standard second lead instruction memo and, instead, is one creepy ass rapist piece of shit masquerading as a good boy. Dare I say, worse than the ml?? Who knew.

Vol. 2 is just pain. And more pain. Honestly, couldn't tell you why I continued on this train wreck instead of just jumping off at the first platform. I'm dumb and for my sins I've been punished. With Vol. 2. Which is somehow worse than its predecessor. Here, the ml just spends his whole time being a bitter bitch who hurts the protagonist just to feel something. And yes, this is both verbal and physical abuse with a side of gaslighting. I don't want to get too much into this volume because just recalling it makes my chest hurt and makes me feel suffocated. Why I did this to myself when I'm in depression week? Again, I'm stupid. The only saving grace of this volume was the ending. There are 2 possible ending for this story: a tragic one and a happy one. Generally, I would pick the latter with zero hesitation because I like my endings happy. Especially in a story like this, I want my suffering to mean something by the end of it. But this is the one exception where I'm happy with the tragic ending. I don't know if it's my mood, but for once I was fine with the protagonist dying. I felt like after all the shit he has gone through these two volumes, with the way they broke him physically and mentally, he just earned that peace for himself away from these fuckers who made his life a living hell every day. Vengeance is mine; I will repay. His death acts as punishment for the ml in a really twisted way and for once I'm okay with that.

All in all, this is a misery fest and if you're into that, good for you. If not, steer clear. This will leave you feeling nothing but emptiness void of catharsis, like a silent scream stuck in your throat that you have no way to dislodge.


Painful love ม อาจเอ ยค าว าร ก pdf

441 reviews70 followers

March 19, 2021

Lan Lin is way too good at writing really messed up relationships that I find a bit too entertaining. For once I'm actually reading the book before I watch the drama adaption in full, although I have watched bits and pieces of it (which is what made me interested in reading the novel in the first place) and know how it ends.

Nothing against people who only read wholesome HEA romances, we all have our own preferences, but I am just a sucker for a toxic relationship provided that the story itself acknowledges the toxicity and doesn't treat it as 'cute', and from the very first chapter that's exactly what this story delivers.

I've never been a fan of the whole 'love conquers all' rhetoric which seems the be the basis of like 99% of romances, so the fact that this story follows a relationship where love just makes everything worse for everyone involved made me instantly intrigued. To be honest you could argue that this is more a story about Stockholm Syndrome than love, but I guess it depends on how you choose to look at it.

Although I have no way of knowing if the author intended this at all, I feel like the story presents an interesting ethical conundrum. On one hand, Shu Nian is clearly the 'victim' here and readers seeing the story from an objective point of view can easily say "You need to get the heck away from Xie Yan, he's an abusive a-hole and you deserve better". But on the other hand, Shu Nian seems genuinely be in love (or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome if you prefer) and considering he's a grown man with the ability to make his own decisions, what right does anyone else have to tell him what to do? This reminds me of something I read the other day about how it's always easier to think of solutions to other people's problems, it's never so simple when you're personally involved.

I'm probably overthinking this story way too much but that's just what I like to do :D


Painful love ม อาจเอ ยค าว าร ก pdf

539 reviews13 followers

August 1, 2019

Loved it so much. Reduced 1.5 stars for the missing chapters. Damm you Chinese sensors!!!!!

February 3, 2022

Releí este libro, y rashos, ¿por qué no es tan bueno como lo recordaba? Altas red flags.

Painful love ม อาจเอ ยค าว าร ก pdf

800 reviews79 followers

September 12, 2019

"Shu Nian gave him a feeling of having a candy hidden in his pocket where others wouldn't be able to have a taste except for himself who had already enjoyed the deep and hidden sweetness."

This story is is so bittersweet. Shu Nian is so sweet and lovable, but he lives such a sad life that it makes me want to cry at times. I hope that Xie Yan can get a least a little better in volume two...

bl contemporary finished-series

Painful love ม อาจเอ ยค าว าร ก pdf

436 reviews30 followers

March 30, 2020

i've watched this movie AGES ago when i was still learning chinese at school (ofc i watched it on my own and NOT at school lmao)

and now, after three years, im finally reading the books (there are two) and i must admit i don't find the story that good anymore. pls xie yan is toxic af! but its kind of interesting to read a homophobe falling in love with a man(???) everything is completely messed up but im curious about how things will develop here.

lgbt movie-anime-series-first read-it-in-english

July 23, 2016

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Painful love ม อาจเอ ยค าว าร ก pdf

1 review

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November 5, 2016

i enjoy with you'r novel so good

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

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April 19, 2018

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