ตัวอย่าง resume digital marketing

Writing a digital marketing resume is tough. There are all kinds of marketers on the Internet, and hiring managers need to recruit only one.

But most resumes won’t even make it to the interview process. Why is that? Because they lack focus, impact, or both.

This guide will teach you how to write a job-winning resume and how to convince recruiters that yours is the last one they need to see.

Curiosity is the key skill I look for in digital talent. Google and Facebook change their ad buying platforms and products so quickly that a good digital marketer needs to be open to change and to be curious about what's next.

Patrick Waller, Vice President APAC Marketing and E-commerce at OtterBox

Pro tip

Digital marketing is a broad discipline. Your resume will be more effective if you specialize in several areas like social media, SEO, analytics, SEM, UX/web design, content writing, email marketing, etc. Also, consider whether you’ll be expected to create strategies or just execute them.

Looking for more related resumes?

  • Social Media Specialist resume
  • Content Marketing resume
  • Ecommerce Marketing resume
  • Brand Ambassador resume
  • Copywriter resume
  • Marketing Intern resume
  • Public Relations Specialist resume
  • Marketing Manager resumes
  • SEO resume
  • Marketing Director resume
  • Marketing resume

What’s the trick to the perfect digital marketing resume?

The following tips will help you take the guesswork out of making an effective resume.

Some numbers have more impact than others

Most digital marketing resume advice encourages using metrics, and in the marketing world, it’s easy to find numbers. But recruiters are used to picking the results that matter.

Go through your resume and find what numbers paint you as a one-of-a-kind performer, and what numbers are generic and have no value.

  • Bad example: scheduled 4 newsletters every month for a year;
  • Good example: boosted email conversions by 25% using interactive VR campaigns among the first in the industry.
Target your resume to specific company goals

Although digital marketing is an abstract term and can mean anything from SMM to SEO, companies are looking to address specific needs.

Read about the company, study their most active marketing channels, check out other jobs they published, and find out what they want the most from digital marketing now.

  • Bad example: I do all kinds of marketing: CPC, SMM, email, A/B tests, data-driven campaigns;
  • Good example: established SEO content pipeline from scratch that led to 500-700 new paid subscriptions every month.
Use resume format and layout to guide the recruiter’s attention to your strengths

Combine headings, bullet points, and custom sections to make your resume easy to scan. Highlight your results with bold text. Control recruiters' attention with white space and color.

There are two resume layouts you should consider, depending on the amount of digital marketing expertise you have.

If you don’t have much experience, a hybrid layout is best. This type of resume begins with skills as a central point of your resume, but doesn't sideline your experience.

For those with more relevant experience, a classic reverse chronological format emphasizing your work experience is ideal. You may still want to include dedicated sections about your skills, but your real work experience should be the focus.

Digital marketing resume sections to consider:

  • An objective or summary
  • Digital marketing work experience
  • Relevant skills with examples to back them up if possible
  • Certifications
  • Education
  • Something to show personality, like “most proud of”

When a hiring manager is quickly looking through a stack of resumes, the part that’s going to catch their eye is the header. Usually, it has just your name and contact information, but there are a few tricks that can make it far more effective.

First, include your most valuable certification next to your name to show that you’re qualified without needing to dive into your experience.

Next, add links to your social media accounts or forum profiles. This is particularly useful if you’re an active user of LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit, or anywhere where you discuss digital marketing.

Taken together, these two things turn a simple header into one which says “I’m confident, certified, and proud of my work.”

Have a look at these two examples to see what we mean.

If you want more ideas for a stand-out resume header, read through our guide Perfecting Your Resume Header so You Get Noticed.

Digital marketing resume summary: win recruiters over with two sentences

A short resume objective or summary is a great place to explain a bit more about who you are and where your digital marketing skills lay. It’s also a great place to show off your writing abilities.

Just be sure to make it concise and focused on explaining why you’re a good candidate for this specific role (and not a good digital marketer in general).

I’m an experienced digital marketer who has worked on every aspect of digital marketing for a variety of clients. I’m looking to grow my career and gain valuable new experiences.


Seasoned digital marketer with 6+ years of experience building and implementing strategies focused on SEO, email marketing, and Adwords largely for small to medium sized ecommerce sites. Successfully grew organic revenue by 74% in 8 months through a content creation and link-building strategy.


The big difference is specificity. The first example is vague to the point of being meaningless. It doesn’t tell the hiring manager anything valuable. Worse, it wastes their time. That is not likely to get you an interview.

Ultimately, when hiring a digital marketer, hiring managers want to see that you have experience in the right areas and can get results.

You can find more examples of stellar summary sections in our Resume Summary: How-To Guide with 30+ Examples You Need To See article.

If you’re looking to craft a compelling resume objective instead, read our writing tips at 10 Resume Objective Examples You Need to Steal (How-to-Guide).

Digital Marketing experience: a job-driven process

Your work experience needs to show one thing above all else: that you got results. Be specific about what you did and what the results were. Simply listing your responsibilities doesn’t really tell a hiring manager anything valuable.

Have a look at these two examples of digital marketing specialist resumes to get a feel for the difference.

Digital marketing job description for a resume

Digital Marketing Specialist

  • • Created and led an SEO strategy which increased traffic.
  • • Responsible for managing a small team


Digital Marketing Specialist

  • • Implemented first SEO-driven organic strategy which boosted site visits by 200% in 8 months while increasing total sales by 65%.
  • • Led a 6 person team to write 10 articles a week and obtain an average of 8 quality backlinks per week.
  • • Created an email marketing strategy which increased repeat buying from 20% to 35%.


The same exact work experience phrased two different ways makes a world of difference.

How to get hired as a digital marketer with no experience

Okay, that experience example is great, but what if you don’t have any previous experience?

First, don’t be put off by job offers which require 2 years of experience. As one digital marketer put it:

No job history? Hone your skills on your own… A good signal that you have those skills is by showing that you’ve developed a website or a blog on your own with some specific focus (just using Facebook and “being online all the time” isn’t enough.)

Clay Cazier, VP of Search Strategy at PMX Agency

So, there are many ways to show you have the skills without formal work experience. Show the hiring manager that you’re self-motivated through certifications, side projects, volunteering, etc.

We've got plenty of examples in our Experience Resume Section guide.

Does a digital marketing resume need an education section?

A bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or business administration is always going to be a plus. If you have one, include it, but it’s not necessary to list many details unless you’re a fresh graduate.

But even without a degree, you can still show that you’re qualified. As one digital marketer put it:

Certifications are the new degree.

Justin Emig of the digital marketing agency Web Talent Marketing

That’s because the purpose of that degree is to show you have certain relevant skills. If you can demonstrate that another way, all the better. Ultimately, digital marketing is such a fast-paced discipline that recent certifications and experience are going to be more valuable than a marketing degree from even 5 years ago.

Browse more essential tips on how to feature education on your resume, in our guide Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume.

Digital marketing skills that make all the difference

With digital marketing strategies encompassing such a wide range of areas, you’re always going to have to choose what kinds of skills to emphasize.

Broadly speaking, these are the most in-demand skills in digital marketing.

16 technical skills for your digital marketing resume:

  • SEMrush
  • Buzzsumo
  • Hotjar
  • MOZ
  • Hootsuite
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • WordPress
  • Email marketing tools like Mailchimp
  • Photoshop
  • Buffer
  • Zapier
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Social media management (Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.)

However, as mentioned, digital marketers will be expected to specialize in one or more areas. That’s why it’s more important that you identify what type of digital marketer the recruiter is looking for and emphasize the skills relevant for that position.

Also note that for hard skills and software, it’s enough to mention them on your resume. On the other hand, including your soft skills in a list with examples for each one will make them more impactful.

Are you still not sure what skills will win recruiters over? Check out our guide on How to Create A Resume Skills Section To Impress Recruiters (+10 Examples You Need to See).

Digital marketing certifications: Do you need these?

Reading advice from seasoned digital marketers, you’ll see certifications come up time and time again. They’re the easiest way to stand above the competition, show off skills, and become a better digital marketer without the need to get formal work experience.

Digital Marketers are also project managers, in a way, so if you have project management certifications, feel free to put them on your digital project manager resume as well.

Any Google certifications you can get will be a huge differentiator — Google Analytics individual qualification, in particular.

Clay Cazier, VP of Search Strategy at PMX Agency

These are the certifications that make the most difference:

For more information on how to properly list resume certifications, we recommend reading our guide How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included).

Other sections for your digital marketing resume

Depending on the company, job seniority level and your location, you may want to include more sections to your digital marketer resume:

  • Language skills
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Projects
  • Volunteer work
  • Highlights
  • References
  • LinkedIn on Resume
  • GPA
  • Resume Awards
  • Publications

Cover letter for digital marketing jobs

In case the job description says you need to provide a cover letter, do include yours. Otherwise, you can always leave it out.

Nowadays, job application forms include questions like “why do you want to work here”, or “explain why you’re the best fit for us”, which makes you wonder are cover letters really necessary?

Still, they help you tell your story in a way that, if written right, it’s captivating and engaging.

In any case, you should pay close attention to the following tips when a cover letter is a must:

  • Make sure you go over a cover letter checklist, not to forget what your cover letter should say;
  • Match the cover letter design with your resume’s;
  • Address your cover letter properly;
  • Keep an eye on your cover letter length;
  • Use a proper cover letter ending;

If you need more inspiration, check out this example Digital Marketing Cover letter.

Key takeaways

To sum up, these are the tactics that make for the best digital market research resumes:

  • Specialize your ad content creator resume to focus on one or a few areas of digital marketing.
  • Choose a functional or reverse-chronological layout depending on whether you’re an entry-level or more experienced digital marketer.
  • Focus on showing what you achieved and not what you were responsible for.
  • Use your resume header to show off certifications and profiles.
  • Don't be discouraged by the "two-year work experience" requirement.
  • Entry-level digital marketers should use certifications and non-work experience to show they’re ready to work in the field.
  • Back up your skills with examples and certifications.

Digital Marketing resume examples

Explore additional digital marketing resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

By Experience

Entry Level Digital Marketing

For entry-level positions, don't worry too much about experience. Instead, focus on relevant coursework, internships, or relevant certifications. Highlight your willingness to learn and adaptability by mentioning any related personal projects or voluntary work. Show familiarity with basic tools such as Google Analytics, CRM software, or social media management tools.

View Entry Level Digital Marketing Resume

Senior Digital Marketing Manager

The Senior Digital Marketing Manager role is greatly influenced by cutting-edge marketing trends. Key to securing such a role would be your previous experience with digital marketing strategies like PPC, Email Marketing, SEO, SEM, and knowledge of social media platforms - these make up the groundwork for a thorough digital marketing campaign. In your application, highlight meaningful experiences and achievements in digital marketing to keep your resume noticeable in the initial stages of hiring. Focus on marketing skills that made a difference in conversion rates as many successful Senior Digital Marketing Managers come from a marketing background. Don't just list your skills, demonstrate how they aided in the success of past marketing campaigns through a 'skill-action-results' format in your resume.

By Role

Creative Digital Marketing

Creative Digital Marketing is an evolving field, so staying relevant is vital. Highlight your experience with unique, creative campaigns that drove engagement or led to ROI. On your resume, provide examples of resourcefulness and adaptability, such as using a limited budget to execute a successful campaign or adjusting strategies in response to market changes. Don't just list jobs and tasks, demonstrate results with facts and figures.

View Creative Digital Marketing Resume

Digital Marketing Account Manager

A Digital Marketing Account Manager requires strong project management skills and a customer-first mindset. Industry certifications like Google Ads or HubSpot can add credibility. Show examples of managing client accounts, developing marketing strategies, and ensuring client satisfaction. Include specific achievements such as 'Increased client retention rate by...'. Numbers are impressive; use them.

View Digital Marketing Account Manager Resume

Digital Marketing Analyst

A Digital Marketing Analyst's strength lies in their analytical skills. Highlight your proficiency in using tools like Google Analytics, Tableau, or SQL. Showcase experiences where you used data to inform marketing decisions and improve campaigns. Always include metrics to quantify your impact, eg. 'Increased conversion rate by...'.

View Digital Marketing Analyst Resume

Digital Marketing Consultant

As a Digital Marketing Consultant, in-depth industry knowledge is crucial. Make sure to highlight your key successes, ROI on campaigns you designed, and your expertise in various marketing channels (SEO, PPC, email, content, etc). The consultancy thrives on results; 'growth of business by...' should be a staple.

View Digital Marketing Consultant Resume

Digital Marketing Executive

For a Digital Marketing Executive role, focus on your ability to strategize and execute marketing campaigns. Highlight well-roundedness in different channels (social media, email, SEO, content) and showcase instances where you executed campaigns that resulted in growth or higher engagement. Detail project and team management skills.

View Digital Marketing Executive Resume

Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager roles call for leadership and strategic planning. Highlight previous managerial positions and successful marketing campaigns. Emphasize proficiency in overseeing marketing budgets, planning and executing campaigns, and leading teams to meet business objectives. Prove your worth with metrics. e.g., 'Achieved YOY growth of...'.

View Digital Marketing Manager Resume

Digital Marketing Specialist

A Digital Marketing Specialist needs to be well-versed in one or several digital marketing channels. Show certifications in tools and channels like Google Ads, SEO, or email marketing. Display how you have utilized these to increase engagement, leads or conversions, linking them with business growth rates.

View Digital Marketing Specialist Resume

PPC Manager

For a PPC Manager role, make sure to emphasis on your experience with paid advertising platforms, especially Google Adwords. Highlight success stories with managing PPC campaign optimization and ROI improvement. Use numbers to demonstrate effectiveness, like '...increased click-through rate by...' or '...lowered cost-per-click by...'. Certifications in Google Adwords or similar are valuable.

View PPC Manager Resume

PPC Specialist

As a PPC Specialist, demonstrate your proficiency in managing PPC campaigns. Certified AdWords skills are a must. Showcase how your PPC campaigns have significantly contributed to business growth e.g., increased web traffic, conversions or lowered acquisition cost. Optimization is key here; highlighting this skill would bolster your application significantly.

View PPC Specialist Resume

Digital Marketing Director

As a progression in the marketing career, the role of a Digital Marketing Director can be impacted by changes in digital marketing trends. Applying for this position requires experience in creating and managing digital marketing strategies that encompass SEO, SEM, email marketing, and social media. It's important to make your resume stand out by appraising relevant experiences and accomplishments. Emphasizing marketing skills that helped increase ROI is also beneficial. Rather than merely listing skills, provide evidence of their benefit to marketing campaigns, using a 'skill-action-results' format in your application.